Thank you for attending!

Credit Hours for Attorneys

  • CLE Forms

    The corresponding MCLE Certificate of Attendance form will be EMAILED within 48 hours to the address you used to register for the webcast. Attorneys should return this form to the Virginia State Bar to report their credit hours.  Please do not return this form to VIDC.

  • VIDC Re-certification Credit

    When you receive your CLE Form, included in the email will be details regarding the amount and type of credit hours eligible for use towards VIDC court-appointed counsel re-certification. Please submit these hours to the VIDC Attorney Certification System (ACeS) or keep a record. As a reminder, court-appointed counsel re-certification is required every two (2) years.  Any eligible courses taken since your last certification date can be used towards re-certification.  Please visit the VIDC Re-Certification page for more information.


Thank you,

VIDC Training Team